01759 318 100 [email protected]

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

It is our policy not to accept bookings from single-sex groups or large unrelated couples. Your booking can not be assigned to a third party without our consent. We don’t knowingly allow anyone to visit our park who is a convicted sex offender or subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, or subject to a Sexual Risk Order.

Behaviour should be in keeping with the environment and should not be aggressive, excessive, noisy or disruptive, especially at night. Offensive or illegal behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the police being involved. Offensive or aggressive behaviour or language towards our staff is not acceptable. We may ask you to leave immediately if your conduct is considered by us to be inappropriate; likely to cause harm; or impair the enjoyment, comfort or safety of any other guests. No refunds or compensation will be given in these circumstances and we reserve the right not to accept any future bookings.


Well behaved dogs are accepted. A charge is made for each dog and there is a small area set aside where the dogs can be exercised off the lead. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times elsewhere on Park and they are not taken into the storage area or around the perimeter of the lake. They are not to be left alone on park or in your caravans if they are going to cause a nuisance with constant barking.

Booking a Pitch

A booking may be made by email or telephone. No deposit is taken but full payment is to be made on arrival to the park. Should you need to amend your booking we will try to accommodate you but this may not always be possible. In the peak season requested pitches cannot be guaranteed.

Pitches may be occupied from 1 pm on the day of arrival or earlier if available but there is a charge to this. Pitches are to be vacated no later than 11am on the day of departure. If you do not arrive on your chosen date and we have not received a call by 7pm that evening the booking will be cancelled and the pitch will be re-allocated.

Cancellation of Pitches

You may notify us by telephone or email of your intention to cancel. Rather than cancel we would prefer you to arrange another date to stay with us. Any bookings made and we are not informed of a need to cancel and you do not show up may forfeit any future bookings.

Security of Your Property
    • Your personal belongings are your responsibility during your break with us. 
    • Vehicles parked on our property are subject to very limited security cover only. You must lock your vehicle securely and remove all valuable items on parking.
    • The police have notified us that personal cycles are particularly vulnerable in the nationwide problem of cycle theft. If you choose to bring your own cycle we strongly recommend that you obtain adequate security for it. This also applies to fishing equipment. You leave it outside at your own risk.
    • We accept no liability for any accident, loss or damage to your property unless such loss, damage or accident is demonstrably due to our negligence or that of those for whom we are legally responsible.


You are required to follow the below safety advice:

    •  Barbecues are permitted but must be raised off the ground.
    • Take particular care not to do anything which might cause a fire – dispose of cigarettes and barbecues responsibly.
    • Fireworks may not be brought onto our park.

Please contact us on 01759 318 100 for more information.

Please use this form, in the first instance, to contact us about our caravan storage service. 

Many thanks. 

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